Amanda Brandl Designs has outdone herself again with this range of Australia inspired fabrics. I was so excited to be selected to participate in this Blog Tour - we're always excited to help promote other small Australian businesses, and this supports other small businesses through links to their blogs, as well as promoting Amanda's designer fabrics, and Kennard & Kennard, who produce her fabrics!

While Marc and I were in the UK mid last year, one of the things I noticed in all the shops were floral shirts for men. They were everywhere! And not just loud Hawaiian style shirts, but smart dressy shirts in subtle florals and butterflies! I suggested Marc might like to buy the butterfly one, as Miss 7 (at the time) would have loved it, but he declined! However, when I saw the stunning Australian florals in this collection, I knew I wanted to make a Riley shirt for Mr 4!

As I'm sure most mothers of 4 year olds are aware, dirt and mess is a constant part of our life - so I chose the dark background to keep Mr 4 looking smart as long as possible! From the images online, I thought it was brown, but it's actually a gorgeous deep brownish purple. Miss 8 is much more able to keep herself clean (temporarily), so I didn't mind choosing a cream background for her! Besides, the wombats are just too cute!

I made her a Lily dress, with the V contrast bodice. Selecting the orange as the contrasting fabric was a step out of my comfort zone - orange is my personal least favourite colour - but I felt that these fabrics worked really well together, and Miss 8 doesn't share my prejudices! These outfits were perfect for Australia Day - we went to the Mythical Market, and spent a very enjoyable afternoon wandering around!

All in all, some stunning fabrics! The wonderful face paint was created by MissBeautifulPhoenix - didn't she do an amazing job?! Please continue to travel along this blog tour, and visit tomorrow's entry at Crocheting Vixen.
To see the full blog tour schedule for this Australian animal fabric collection, and to find a stockist, please go to Kennard & Kennard or visit
#marsupialsandmonotremes #kennardandkennard #amandabrandl #amandabrandldesigns