We've been invited to a wedding. When my brother and sister-in-law got married two years ago, we made the kids matching outfits (as seen in Wedding Bells and Introducing our Latest Model) - Mr 3 (at the time) got a shirt, and we borrowed a suit to wear with it. This wedding will be a little different for him, as he's been asked to be a page boy.

The wedding colours are pink and blue, and Mr 5 hates having things "tight" around his neck, so won't wear a tie. So I planned accordingly - pink shirt and blue suit!

I used my staple Riley shirt for the pink shirt, with long sleeves and cuffs, size 5 slim fit. I do prefer the slim fit for Mr 5's body shape, especially at the moment when he's just moved into the size 5.

I used the Sew A Little Seam Nathan Vest and Grady Pants, which have just been released, for the rest of his outfit. The vest is a size 4 with size 5 length and the pants are a size 5 graded to a size 4 at the waist. I think next time I'll just do a straight size 5, as I don't think these will fit him for long! Hopefully they last until the wedding!

If anyone is interested in buying the patterns I used, The Nathan and The Grady are 20% off with the code in the Sew a Little Seam group making them US$5.60 each, (they also have a pattern for a button up shirt included in the sale). They are on sale until Friday.

Mr 5 seems to like it! I'll be doing another blog entry about Miss 8's outfit soon!